Diving and Snorkeling on the Pacific Coast of Veraguas

Discover the Pacific Coast of Veraguas, with the largest coral reef in the eastern Pacific, and explore some of the best diving spots in Panamá and the world. You can dive in more than 40 places and see more than 760 species of fish, 33 types of sharks and 20 species of whales and dolphins.

Granito de Oro Island, Coiba National Park

Coiba Island National Park

Discover this diving destination with access to the vast reef of Bahía Damas, the largest reef on the western coast of the American continent.


The great biodiversity of the Coiba Island National Park makes it a refuge for marine life and was declared Natural Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO.

This protected area is located 14 miles (22 km) from the coast, about an hour by boat from Santa Catalina beach. Since its creation, the park has become a key destination for lovers of diving and snorkeling.

Playa Deseo

Observing Marine Life

On your visit to the coast, you will be able to see part of the 4,200 acres (1,700 hectares) of coral, where endemic and migratory species live.

Sea Turtle, Islote Tortuga, Coiba National Park

On a short dive, you can swim with rays, billfish, sailfish, hammerhead sharks and dolphins.

If you travel during whale season, between late June and October, you will enjoy seeing humpbacks slapping their tails against the water or performing acrobatic leaps. You can also encounter giant manta rays, Blainville's beaked whale (Mesoplodon densirostris), False Orca (Pseudorca crassidens) and, with some luck, even an orca.

Snorkel in the calm waters that border the reserve's 38 islands. Enjoy the beauty of corals in places like Rancheria and Coco. Swim among dozens of colorful fish, moray eels, and turtles without having to take a tank.

One of the advantages of visiting the Pacific Coast of Veraguas is that you can go diving or snorkeling throughout the year. However, if you come in September and October, your visibility will be even better.

Coiba Island, Golfo de Chiriquí

Diving and Snorkeling Tours

With so many diving and snorkeling spots, you will see that there are places divers of all levels and within a short distance.

Don Juan, Coiba National Park, Gulf of Chiriquí, Panamá

If you are not certified, but want to dive, here you can take a course and make your first dive in Coiba, one of the most extraordinary places on the planet for diving.

Some of the best spots for diving in Coiba are Inside Point on Isla Ladrones, Shark Point Dive, Jacob’s Ladder and Contreras Pinnacle 1 and 2. When you arrive on the Pacific Coast of Veraguas, the tour operator will recommend the best spot to dive based on your experience. and weather conditions.

To see the greatest number of species on your snorkeling trip, follow your guide's recommendations. Some operators have special equipment for underwater photos and video, which will make this experience even more memorable.

Coiba Island

Getting There

To get to Coiba Island National Park, you must take a boat from one of the ports on the coast in Pixvae or Playa Santa Catalina. Although Santa Catalina is the furthest port from the islands, it is the one that’s most recommended. There, you will find all types of accommodation and tourist services. Ask your tour operator to see which one is best for you according to the plan you have chosen.

On your next trip to Panamá, be sure to visit the Pacific Coast of Veraguas and combine your diving vacation with experiences such as bird, whale and turtle watching, hiking or surfing. The Pacific Coast of Veraguas has a lot of activities for you to enjoy. Don’t miss out!